Autumn in the South

As time allows I would like to share with you all more fully what our life is like here in Greenville, SC. But for now I will share with you a lot of photos of our time here, (and yes there are still more to come). I would would like to say that we have... Continue Reading →

Looking Back

I apologize for being silent for so long. It is a difficult thing to bare your soul for the whole world to see. I felt for a time that nothing in my life was private; and so I retreated and just took a break from it all. But I think it's time to go back... Continue Reading →

Zoo Daze

Uh... Today was one of those days where I felt like I was living in a zoo. Seriously. It was awful.  You have no idea how happy I was when they were all in bed sleeping and the house was finally quiet. Some days I wait for bedtime from the time I get up in... Continue Reading →

A dark world

The world is bright and beautiful. Its sunshine and raindrops. Its beautiful sunsets and quietness of night. Life is smiles and frowns. Laughter and tears. Its beautiful, wonderful, confusing and crazy. With JESUS life is that that and so much more. But, with out Him life is is darkness. Utter, complete, infinite, DARKNESS. If we... Continue Reading →

Mud houses and bare feet

I already knew that there were a lot of poor, hungry people living on the colonies but with no faces to put to the stories; it had little impact on me. It's hard to feel sorry, really genuinely, deep down, heartfelt sorry for anyone when you have no idea who they are or what they... Continue Reading →

I Need Thee Every Hour

We've been in Charagua for three days and it has yet to feel like home to me. We came here in the dark of evening, following a road that was really not much more than a dust path through a field; a two hour dirt road through a field littered with grazing cows, pigs and... Continue Reading →

Sweeter gets the journey

I was standing outside, explaining something to my oldest two children when I felt a little hand slip into mine. I looked down to see Carter, my two year old son, tugging on my hand. Now, you have to understand that this is Saturday. It's the only day besides Sundays that I don't have Spanish... Continue Reading →

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